
Why write?

Why write?

I have a ritual. Every time I set out to do something new, be it a new habit, a new course, or a new adventure in life, I ask myself, why? This exercise in setting a purpose is essential because it stays as a reminder of your initial vision about what you set out to do. So, as I launch this blog, I want to openly share the purpose and vision behind it.

This isn't just another hobby project for me. Ever since I was 13, I have wanted to write. To share my ideas with friends, aka people, across the world. There was even a time when I wanted to try to write a self help book, to understand the world and life in general, more effectively. I have always been enamoured by great ideas. For it is these great ideas, passed down from generation to generation, which have survived the test of time, and empowered people from centuries ago to shape our realities today.

In the grand history of mankind, we have always set out to do grand things. A few people in every century communicate ideas which totally make us rethink how the world works. We do not know who among us will be among those geniuses. We are ambitious. We are great experimenters. But most of all, we are great thinkers. It is only our words and ability to write stuff down that enables wisdom to be passed down from one generation to another. Writing thus holds immense power in our world.

And don't get me wrong. I am no Oppenheimer. Nor am I some Frost. There is a high likelihood that you, reading this blog, are also not Seneca. Hence why should we even think of trying to write? After all, you might think that our ideas are worth nothing.

But, it isn't so. Each idea is as good or bad as any other. Not every idea will create an impact on a field of study, let alone change the world. But that won't deter me from writing. And neither should it stop you.

And let me be clear. This isn't a space to build my "personal brand" or increase "followers". That is why I chose to write on bearblog, rather than Medium or Substack. Everything today is commodified. When an artist paints his great work, he does it only for bringing his idea to life. Money or fame is secondary. And such is here. I write only for myself (and for the people I care about). My ideas may even not be that great. But that won't deter me from writing. And neither should it stop you.

In an age of GPTs and LLMs, writing a blog feels like a pointless struggle. You'll ask me: "In an age where words have lost their meaning and value? Why should I write?" You write on the internet because you want to share your ideas with random strangers from across the world. The best writing comes from a genuine desire to express ideas, not from seeking to impress, earn money, or build a following. It should always pour out of you, like a fountain. The will to communicate the idea should be so strong that you feel guilty when not doing so. And I will admit, robots scraping the internet for words to train their models on your thoughts is scary. But that won't deter me from writing. And neither should it stop you.

Since the past year, I've also been experimenting with writing as a tool for introspection and personal growth. Writing something down solidifies your ideas and feelings. This is why I value writing so much, not just in this blog, but in my personal time as well. It's a way to make sense of the world around us and our place in it. This is also why I wanted to name the blog "Aiyna", which means "a mirror". As a mirror reflects our physical selves, writing reflects our inner selves.

I aspire to make this an idea first blog, filled with insightful thoughts and reflections from the real world. New ventures often start with a burst of enthusiasm, but sustaining that energy can be challenging. So this blog also serves as a commitment to turning these ideas into action. These are field notes from my adventures in life. Due to this nature, I will post only when necessary. While I'm committing to a minimum of 4 posts every calendar month for accountability, my primary focus will always be on the quality of the content rather than the quantity.

This post was written, not because I was forced to, but because I wanted to, and I hope this stays the same till the end of time. And even though I'm not a great writer, my intention is to write more frequently and improve over time.

Thank you for choosing to join me on another adventure. I look forward to sharing this journey with you, and I hope to see you reading—and reflecting—again next time.